Genetic Pinball

Genetic Pinball is a game we created together with and based on the reasearch of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development. It is an exhibition piece that is part of the MS Wissenschaft Tour 2024.

The game explores the interplay between the genetic and social lottery and society and illustrates three central observations:

  • both genetic dispositions and socio-economic factors play a huge role in determining the difficulties we face in life
  • how much impact these factors have on our life is dependent on the society we live in
  • we can change society

The game is available fully localized in German, English, Turkish, and Arabic.

  • Screenshot from the character selection screen
  • Screenshot from the pinball screen
  • Screenshot from the summary screen
  • Screenshot from the change society screen
  • Screenshot from the summary screen
  • Photography from the exhibition
  • Photography from the exhibition
  • Photography of the MS-Wissenschaft